The Modern Sage Podcast

Do You Wake Up Anxious or Overwhelmed?

Leah Guy Season 7 Episode 108

Living in the present moment is a phrases used quite often in the healing space. But what does this mean? How do you actually practice presence throughout your day to day actions? 

In this solo episode, Leah talks through the difference of acting from the subconscious versus conscious mind. 

She gives examples of how control, awareness and presence can keep you connected to choice, feeling and thought. 

Invite in a moment of awareness to your routine, see what unfolds. 

Connect with Leah @themodernsage or on her site

Thanks for listening! Follow Leah on IG, FB & TK @leahthemodernsage for more!

Thanks for listening! Follow leah on IG, FB & TK @leahthemodernsage for more!

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