The Modern Sage Podcast
The Modern Sage Podcast offers no-nonsense sage advice to support your spiritual and emotional health. Beginning Season 4, Ep 1, Leah shares her personal story of living in a spirited, (haunted) house, and the deep transformation she underwent as a result of surrendering to the invitation to trust the darkness. She shares these stories as inspiration so the listener can relate to their own stories and inner darkness, and learn how to heal the ghosts of the past.
In the first 3 seasons, Leah interviews experts, authors, healers, musicians, entrepreneurs, celebrities and everyday heroes who know life's struggles, and sharing ways they've learned to be inspired and heal. The focus is on emotional healing and mental health with a good dose of secular spiritualism mixed in.
This series is hosted by author and intuitive spiritual teacher Leah Guy. Her aim is to make visible the reality of hope, to welcome change and transformation while acknowledging our humanity so that we can grow into whole, happy and satisfied people.
The Modern Sage Podcast
Masculine / Feminine Polarity
We are covering one of the most popular topics of the human condition - relationships - with trauma-informed polarity coach, David Lea and Leah Guy.
David and Leah dive into the definitions of masculine and feminine, the characteristics of each in our daily lives and how we show up to ourselves and one another in relationships. Being trauma-informed means recognizing that we each carry trauma memory and are in the process of healing, yet with awareness and application we can shift the way our energy is received by others and the impact that has on relationships.
This is not a gender issue, it is an energy issue and everyone has a dominant energy or one they identify more strongly with and when we come to relationships out of that alignment, we can create stress and disharmony for all.
David is a coach, speaker and teacher and, alongside his life partner, Paige, has created a foundational program called Daring Deeply. Find more about his work here.
Leah is an intuitive healer, author, speaker and teacher who owns Modern Sage healing company and leads events and retreats around the world. Find more about her work here.
Thanks for listening! Follow leah on IG, FB & TK @leahthemodernsage for more!