The Modern Sage Podcast

The Power of Your Dreams with Tzivia Gover

Leah Guy Season 3 Episode 71

Have you wondered what your dreams mean, whose theory to believe in attempts to interpret your dreams, or wish you had a more active and vivid dreamtime?
Dreaming can have a powerful affect on one's life when we learn how to engage and interpret this state. Leah Guy talks with dream expert and author Tzivia Gover about the power of our dreams and how to dream on purpose.

Tzivia says we can utilize the power of our dreams when we learn how to understand them and the way our subconscious works. Leah believes much of our emotional processing can happen in dreams, for those who are overwhelmed or unable to process verbally.

Tzivia's latest book, Dreaming on the Page, is to help not only authors, but everyone access a richer experience from their sleep-time. She shares how she chose her husband from the information in her dreams, and Leah shares her love of the dreamtime where she travels, has conversations and lives a full life!

Tzivia a certified dreamwork professional who leads workshops and teaches domestically and abroad, in person and online. She's a member of the International Association for the Study of Dreams and the former education director for the Institute for Dream Studies. You can find more about her work here.

Leah is an intuitive healer, author and speaker. You can find more about her work here.

Thanks for listening! Follow leah on IG, FB & TK @leahthemodernsage for more!

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